
Cloud services and community networks

The size, growth and scope of the Internet and the perception of the key role of infrastructures for access and services in the digital society has put under stress the architecture and protocols shifting from pure networking, to end-user oriented services: the Cloud. The aim of this project is to provide the means for communities of citizens in bootstrapping, running and expanding community-owned networks that provide community services organised as community clouds, key for the development and sustainability of the digital society. To achieve that aim the main objective is solving specific research challenges around:

1. Self-managing and scalable infrastructure services for the management and aggregation of a large number of widespread networking, storage and limited computing resources;

2. Distributed and persistent storage, computation and communication platform services to support and facilitate the design and operation

3. Elastic, resilient and scalable service overlays and user-oriented services built over these underlying services, providing a good quality of experience at the lowest economic and environmental cost.

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